

Education Job Board

Meet education job seekers where they are.

Stop wasting time marketing to candidates who aren’t looking for work in education.
Put your open roles in front of qualified job seekers with an education job board and get more applicants.


Find Qualified Candidates

Feel confident you'll reach job seekers who want to work for you with a network of hundreds of thousands of education candidates.

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Promote Every Job Type

Experience the ease of posting all your positions to one job board, including part-time, adjunct faculty, and student roles.


Give Applicants Visibility

Give candidates the satisfaction of checking on their application status anytime, anywhere – on any device.

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“With NEOED, we can put out an attractive front-facing portal to applicants that we can customize and make changes to on the fly.” 

Travis Rosenberg,
Executive Director of HR, Utah Tech University


Give each role the support and visibility it needs 

  • Post every job type: Market all your jobs in one place, including part-time, adjunct faculty, and student roles.

  • Rank on Google: Show up at the top of Google searches for education roles – no extra work needed.



Make it easy for candidates to find and apply for jobs

  • Remote job advertising: Promote open jobs with a remote work option so job seekers can easily find them.

  • Mobile-friendly experience: Let job seekers search and apply to roles from any device, in any location.



Provide a great applicant experience

  • Applicant profiles: Candidates can update their information, set interviews, accept offers, and view their past and open applications in one place.

  • Status tracking: Candidates can track their job application status in real-time to know where they stand.


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Continue learning about better hiring management


Six Critical Recruiting Metrics Education HR Leaders Should be Tracking

There are specific metrics that reveal the strengths and weaknesses of your organization's hiring processes. In this guide, we’ll explore the six key metrics that successful HR leaders use to identify issues and opportunities during the recruitment life cycle.

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NEOED-How to Write Compelling Student Job Descriptions_Page_1

How to Write Compelling Student Job Descriptions

Write attractive student job descriptions that are informative, easy to understand, and promise skills development they can use in their later career in this eBook.

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Resources Page -29-hot-tips

29 Hot Tips for Improving Job Postings

Discover ways to improve your job listings to get the best candidates in this list.

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Make work easier with the NEOED HR suite

Based on your institution's unique challenges, we create a plan for your success from our platform. Schedule a free consultation today to learn how we can help.


Get qualified public sector applicants for hard-to-fill positions.

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Reduce time-to-hire and create a modern, candidate-friendly experience.

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Ensure new hire preparedness and maximize productivity from day one.

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Boost retention and empower employee career growth.

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Give ongoing feedback in one place for easy, fair evaluations.

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Digitally store employee documents and eliminate time-consuming routing tasks.

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Manage policies and procedures across their entire lifecycle.

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